Sunday, 16 December 2007

What do you want from Santa?

Well I thought you all might find this a nice little snippet of information. I was out at a shop and standing around a large christmas tree. On the tree it had sheets of paper with handwritten notes to Santa. I had a read of a few of them and most were things like. "Dear Santa.. I want an IPOD.. love Jason" or "Dear Santa... i want my parents to spend loads of money on me... love greedy child "

It was amongst this list of greed and consumerism that i spotted this note and it made me stop and think for a minute .. please note the wording may have been slightly different " Dear Santa... I would like to have a nice time with my family at christmas and to wish my Uncle Justin in heaven a happy christmas... Love Jemma " now after reading that it made me think.... what would you REALLY love to get from Santa if you could choose one thing.... would it be a gadget... chocolates or maybe something really special..... I know mine would be to spend christmas day with my grandparents. To have one last day with them and hear them and talk to them, never wanting that day to end .....

p.s Here is me sitting on the jolly fat mans knee... lets just say he has wandering hands!

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